Saturday, November 29, 2008

------ 2 yrs 5 mths 3 days, 4 handph upgrades since the snatch-thief in Paris (Nokia6235, Motorola Razor, K700i, G900), 1 Job Change, a whole lot Adventure, Mishap and playing Ultimate in btw... the salty mushroom resurrects! -------

stumbling across the ol' blog agai-n i realised that it has been awhile. i never did publish the above article which i wrote on 26 june 06 in closing memory of the fantastic grad trip in Europe before embarking on a working-adult life.... plus purchasing a new laptop got me going through all the photos and amazing times.....

now that i have begun work at the Y, life has begun again... :D
i'm now doing something i love!
i've traded in office skirts, high heels, the corporate-look
(not that i had many cos i think i sort of knew that i was not going too long...1.5years to be exact)
how many people can honestly say they like their jobs?
so i think it time to start writing again to make recordings of this new & exciting journey....
something for my grandkids to find out abt... the possible acheivement of cool-grandma status

Adventures of the Salty Mushroom II......
